Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mel's Favorite Chocolate Mousse Cake

Put in your Spring Form Pan in freezer

3 cups crushed oreo
1/2 cup melted butter
mix together, pat down i the bottom of the pan and return to the freezer.

1lb of semi-chocolate chips
2 whole eggs
Separate 4 egg yolk/whites + 3 T powder sugar
2 cups whipping cream
6 T powder sugar

Melt Chocolate chips and gradually whip the whole eggs into the melted chocolate
Whip the cream and power sugar and set aside. Whip egg whites until soft peaks then add 3 T of powder sugar and beat untill stiff. Then add the whip cream mixture and then the chocolate mixture until all ingredients are combined.
Pour into your pan and refrigerate for 8 hours. Top with additional whip cream if desired

Rachelle Zobrist

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